On Saying Goodbye…

img_0311My bestie fur baby has been diagnosed with end stage kidney failure. In less than a week she has been to the vet twice, in the hospital for 2 1/2 days and to the veterinary emergency after hours care. Monday I took her to the vet after a week that started with diarrhea and ended with not eating. God bless her. By Thursday she was back at the vet and hospitalized until Saturday. By Saturday night- last night as I write this at 1:30 Sunday morning- she was at the emergency care. I think I’m going to have to prepare to let her go home to our Lord our God our Creator. I will take her on Monday morning most likely to be humanely euthanized. I’ve had Noddie in my life for 11 of her 16 years. I’m in tears and sobbing that sometimes rack my body and shatter the silence. I’ve been bless to know the true unconditional love ❤️ of my Noddie and to love her back unconditionally. Thank you God. Amen.

What Is Left of Me…

What is left of me when all that is important to me have left is the essence and reality of me. It is in this place that I find God’s grace and power…remembering that there is power in surrender and letting go and letting God! ~

Pink Pussycat Hats on Parade…

“Hell has no fury like a woman scorned…” William Congreve 18th Century Playwright. Womens March on Washington-2017…Over 300 years later, that quote still rings true. Remember, it took a woman to bring you here…thank you Momma! (And Daddy!)…